Friday, May 29, 2009

These past 2 years....

NCLEX - It all comes down to this.  All the reading….all the highlighting….all the sticky notes….the late night breakdowns when I needed to complete clinical prep, with only 2 hours left to sleep before a full shift at the hospital….all the ass wiping….the putting myself at risk by always being stuck with the MRSA patients….washing my hands till they cracked and bled (and then putting sanitizing alcohol on them to clean them some more)…..dropping someone’s 100 mg Morphine pill on the floor for a man who was screaming for his pain med forever (keep in mind, 1-2 mg of morphine every 3-4 hours is pretty standard even in the ICU’s - or another way to put it - A LOT of money) …….the what seems like millions of dollars I spent on Red Bull….the 20 lbs I gained due to stress….the poking of little babies with needles and shoving NG tubes down their nose and making them cry (I swear, I did feel bad!!)….the vaginal birth I assisted with in OB which made me never want to have a child…..Getting screamed at by convicted murderers at the state psych hospital…..following charge nurse Cheryl (probably the most unhappy person ever)….the ICU…from being elbow deep in diarrhea and rushing to get to lunch right after…..all the code blues…… the mourning families…...and even the tears……

…………it was all for you, NCLEX.  

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